Terms and Conditions
Your privacy is important and respected by RCL. We maintain full confidentiality of personal information collected by us in the course of business transactions or during your access to our websites for online services within. This notice details how we manage information with regards to your privacy.
Legal Disclaimers and Information
Although RCL Group of Companies (hereinafter referred to as "RCL") tries its best to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this website, it assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or usefulness or the data available and shall have no obligation to update or otherwise supplement or correct any data provided.
Any person or entity ("user") using RCL's website shall agree to defend, indemnify and hold RCL harmless, its agents and employees, harmless from and against all claims, demands, losses, suits, liabilities or expenses, including court costs and legal fees, if any, for property damage, economic loss, consequential losses, injury, disease, or death of persons, in connection with the use or misuse of the data provided.
The use of this website is governed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore and to the exclusive jurisdiction to the Supreme Court of Singapore with no recourse whatsoever to any other jurisdiction.
This disclaimer shall also be extended to any and all customers, sponsors and partners of RCL who maintain or are offered and accept the use of services and equipment of RCL in any action or claim brought forward by a Browser in conjunction with any matter which includes RCL.
All materials contained within this Web Site, as defined by originating from those sites registered to or operating from the equipment of RCL, and including all text, graphic, programming and ancillary mechanisms not previously licensed by other parties or in public domain are held in sole copyright and trademark ownership by RCL and may not be used without the express written permission of RCL obtained no less than thirty (30) working days prior to any such use, nor may it be used without having been reviewed by the staff and management of RCL.