主页 | 可持续性 | 公司治理 |
The good corporate governance not only defines the suitable structure and proper role of the Company’s Board of Directors, but also aspires approaches in which the Company sets its objectives and missions towards maximized benefits of, and equitable responsibilities to, its shareholders and stakeholders; and assuring the existence of effective internal controlling and auditing framework. These principles govern:
the principles of good corporate governance is an on-going process that requires relevant assessments and updates, whereby the Board of Directors as well as the Company’s high level executives are both responsible for monitoring that these principles are duly complied with.
the Board of Directors will review these principles and other aspects of governance, if deemed necessary or within an applicable timeframe.
the Company’s high level executives and the Board of Directors to assure that proper standards of good corporate governance code are maintained. Business ethics and morals are the keys behind the formulation of corporate strategies and business goals. Emphasis is given to the following responsibilities:
a selection of suitable nominees, who are diversified in their wealth of experience, appropriate knowledge, farsighted vision, professional integrity and leadership calibre, for executive posts and for election to the positions of Board members, all of whom are subject to appointment and re-appointment by shareholders in general meetings.
effective management of corporate activities; maintain sufficient and suitable internal controls and audits, carry out prudent risk management practices, and conduct business in accordance with the highest standards of professional integrity to comply with applicable laws and regulations and protect long-term equitable interests of shareholders and stakeholders.
avoidance of conflicts of interest and assurance of equal rights of shareholders and stakeholders. The Company values its relationship with its shareholders, stakeholders, customers, staff and the communities in which it operates, as well as recognizes the importance of good communication with them.
emphasis on transparency, clear accountability, sufficient disclosure, whilst encouraging creation of shareholder value as well as, integrity, morals, social responsibility and environmental awareness.